Two Birds, One Stone

Last Wednesday I presented at my first design meet up. Goal number 3 complete.

Oh and of course it was at Cake 😉 .

At the start of the year after I had made my list of goals for the year, I set about figuring out how I was going to complete them all.

To do this I made even more lists. I work well with lists you see.

I made lists of the events I knew about in the area and a list of their organisers.


Me & my self portrait.

But the confidence to present is a commodity you cannot list out, so I needed a way to ease myself into the process.

There are dozens of other reasons why Cake started and in fact I have a whole article coming along explaining most of them, but one reason was to help me gain confidence to present at an event by comparing one.

It worked.

Last night I delivered a talk on how to find your brands unique selling points, or more precisely…

“What am I uniquely positioned to do that no one else can?”

Dave the headliner, a good friend and even better speaker.

Dave the headliner, a good friend and even better speaker.

I loved standing up there and presenting, and on reflection I am happy with my performance. Well let’s say it was a solid 6.5/10, not bad, but certainly not perfect. Next time I will remember to breath.

Anyway what’s this another ‘bird’ I hear you call! Good spot.

For the fifth edition of Cake and as it was Christmas we asked all attendees to donate to a local charity for homeless people.

At the start of the year I wanted to organise and take part in a charity event this year, and Cake offered the perfect platform for this. Goal number 4 complete.

I am incredibly proud to say we raised over £400 for Falcon Support and their Festive Shelter campaign.

All ears.

All ears.

The event is building it own culture around kind, interesting, generous people.

People who are their to better themselves and improve the lives of others who attend.

I was blown away by the generosity of everyone involved and their willingness to effectively ‘pay’ for an event that had always been free.

But it was for a good cause. All the money went to the Falcon Centre’s Winter Shelter campaign where they will be providing 3 emergency beds over the Christmas period.

I am proud to say that we contributed to this campaign and will make a real difference to local peoples lives over the Christmas period.

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