Signs your time management & resource processes need work

17th Jun, 2024

Q1: The Initial Signs That Told Me Our Time Management and Resource Allocation Processes Needed an Overhaul at Rise at Seven. I joined Rise at Seven in December 2023, and my first task was to forecast our workload for the… Continue reading

A collaborative process : revisited

01st Mar, 2017

I’m not gonna lie I wrote parts of this a few years back as we were developing our process at 5or6. I’m not sure if that’s cheating or not, but hey it is what it is. However with the launch… Continue reading

A quick(ish) guide to running a meet up & creating a community

11th Feb, 2017

A couple of years ago we had the idea to set up an event for the people of Loughborough, Cake. For the 2 years that followed we ran events bi-monthly with attendances up to 120 people and speakers from all… Continue reading

Saying goodbye to Cake

04th Jan, 2017

Just under 2 years ago, myself along with the help of a few others set up Cake, an event for creatives, designers, free thinkers, do-gooders, entrepreneurs (etc etc you get the point) in Loughborough. And it has been great fun…. Continue reading

Patience & fulfilment

31st Dec, 2016

I bet your timelines have been flooded over the last week or so with “New Year new me” and, “2017 is going to be my year” posts. And I bet now it’s getting a little boring 😐 I 100% agree on… Continue reading

What I learnt going Vegan for a month

03rd Mar, 2016

For the past 4 years (I think), my wife Anna and I have gone veggie for January, so this year we thought we would up the ante and go Vegan for the month. Here’s a few things I leant/observed. I… Continue reading

Challenges for 2016

05th Jan, 2016

Oh yes, it’s that time of the year again. New year, new me and all that jazz 😐 Last year I set goals, but this year I’m setting challenges, with the idea to push myself to be happier, more interesting,… Continue reading

2015: A year review, plus a few things I liked & learnt

01st Jan, 2016

Where to start? 2015 has been an eventful year. Anna and I celebrated our first (or second depending on how you look at it) wedding anniversary. We sold our first house (twice), bought a new one (twice), and 5or6 broken… Continue reading

Two Birds, One Stone

16th Dec, 2015

Last Wednesday I presented at my first design meet up. Goal number 3 complete. Oh and of course it was at Cake 😉 . At the start of the year after I had made my list of goals for the year,… Continue reading

Just chill, you’re doing fine

21st Oct, 2015

Every now and then I get that little voice at the back of my mind telling me that I’m not moving forward in life as quick as I would like. And it scares the shit out of me. Social media is the main reason… Continue reading

Hitting reset

14th Oct, 2015

I had a long weekend. A couple of 30th birthdays, and my mentor’s annual company party. I didn’t go crazy on the booze but three late nights in a row and alcohol in my system knocked me for six. This… Continue reading

It matters that you show up

12th Oct, 2015

The other day Seth Godin wrote his 6000th post on his blog. Six f******g thousand! This is number 21. From that article one line really stood out to me, ‘It doesn’t matter if anyone reads it, buys it, sponsors it or shares… Continue reading

Getting muddy

28th Sep, 2015

After 5 hours of running through electric wires, jumping into huge skips of ice and climbing over 10 foot walls I completed my very first Tough Mudder. I had been looking to for another physical challenge to do this year… Continue reading

Just type and push publish

11th Sep, 2015

It has been a while since I last wrote something. Well I guess that’s not strictly true, a more accurate description would be that it has been a while since I finished writing something. I have written a lot, just… Continue reading

29 today

17th Jun, 2015

The title says it all really. Today is my birthday and I’m 29 years old. I’ve never really been one for birthdays, in fact I can’t remember the last time I actually did anything major to celebrate one of mine…. Continue reading

Let’s talk & drink coffee & stuff

30th May, 2015

The second Cake is nearly upon us, and I really can’t *insert multiple expletives here* wait. Following the last event the past month has been incredible and has shown me how trying to do something great for others can benefit you. So before… Continue reading

A slice of Cake

27th Apr, 2015

After a few months of planning, a few sleepless nights and more emails than I care to remember, the first Cake event happened last Thursday night, and it went pretty well I’m happy to say. A sell-out 60-strong crowd of creatives,… Continue reading

The first Cake tickets go live

06th Apr, 2015

After a month of running round like a blue arsed fly I am happy to say that the first tickets for the inaugural Cake event in Loughborough for creatives, designers, developers and entrepreneurs are now up for grabs (and still… Continue reading

1 down, 6 to go

27th Mar, 2015

A fews weeks ago I managed to tick off my first goal for 2015, I got down to 9% body fat. Queue the trumpets and street parade. I started off at an average(ish) 19% body fat and have been slowly… Continue reading

Who wants a piece of Cake?

04th Mar, 2015

I am really excited to announce the launch of Cake — a free bimonthly meet up for creatives, designers, developers, entrepreneurs and anyone else who fancies a good chin wag and evening of good beer, pizza and inspirational talks in Loughborough. The aim of the… Continue reading

From the track to web design – what I’ve picked up

18th Feb, 2015

I have been in the fortunate position over the last 10 days or so to be in the company of some of the best Track and Field athletes, coaches and therapists in the world with what can only be described… Continue reading

Not knowing, is knowing

01st Feb, 2015

Being a designer you can never be certain of anything you build, like science, good design is built on uncertainty. Society perceives a lack of confidence in ones own work as a sign of weakness or questioning a tried and… Continue reading

Ryan, you’re an idiot

15th Jan, 2015

“Ryan, you’re an idiot” – is a greeting I’ve become accustom to from my Dad. We have that kind of stupid name calling relationship we should have grown out of a long time ago, but we just can’t let go. We… Continue reading

Do you do that everyday?

08th Jan, 2015

When I tell people what I do everyday in my routine I often get odd looks. “You get up when?” is something I hear pretty often, along with “Do you do that everyday?” People find my routine odd, or at… Continue reading

Bigging myself up

30th Dec, 2014

I’ve been tasked with doing something I really don’t like to do, write something that makes me sound rather good. Ughhh. I have had to write my bio for Switch the Play so I thought I would post it up here first… Continue reading

A Christmas present to myself

25th Dec, 2014

Today I will spending as much time as possible with my family and friends, eating and drinking as much as I can. It’s what I like to do at this time of year, and I know it’s not the most… Continue reading

Making time to explore

12th Dec, 2014

I’ve been on holiday, and it was a ruddy lovely trip. Sorry to rub it in a bit, but the trip gave me a chance to explore a new city, in a country I’ve never been to before with good… Continue reading

My goals for 2015

10th Dec, 2014

Setting goals is hard, and achieving them can be even harder, so I have decided to put some positive pressure on myself (inspired by the The Monk who sold his Ferrari) and share my list of personal goals for 2015…. Continue reading

Something that’s stuck

02nd Dec, 2014

I learnt a lot at school, 99% I’m sure I can’t remember but somethings have stuck. One of my most inspirational teachers at school once told me that “you can’t fully understand something until you can confidently articulate it”. He nailed… Continue reading

2 years

28th Nov, 2014

As the year comes to an end, I thought it might be useful to take look back at the last few years of my life. A fair amount has happened. They say your University years are the ones that shape… Continue reading

Putting words on a screen

20th Nov, 2014

I’ve asked myself a question for a while now, ‘how do I get better at writing?’, and I’ve concluded I simply just have to do it more. So I have set myself a goal and I am going to write… Continue reading

All new and shiny straight out of the box

18th Nov, 2014

So here we are, my new website. It’s been a long time coming and I have a few ideas to keep myself entertained as I fill the world with design, business and personal musings and witticism over the course of… Continue reading